Instructor Development and Selection




Instructor qualities, apply within-
  • leadership and presence
  • Time management
  • Subject matter expertise
  • Ability to teach verbally and through demonstration
  • Problem solving on and off range
Phase I:  Assessment / development Assessment and development incorporates basic PT and MAST Solutions shooting standards.  This is an 8-10 hour block.  Pass / fail.  
Phase II:  The written blocks will cover ballistics, firearms assembly and disassembly, core maintenance, course structure, range preparation and set up, delivery of a syllabus, medical and medical procedures, and legal considerations.  The course syllabus and writing a syllabus is the final iteration of phase II.  The time is broken down to 3 hour increments for each section.  This is a pass or review.  
Instructor phase III is broken down into the following. Delivery, demonstration, depth of knowledge, organization, and command.  This is worth a total of 100 points and requires a 85 to pass.  
Delivery is 20 points and will be broken down to how you relate, read and revise the content / context of the syllabus to the students.  Clarity of the material and the MAST Solutions shooting principles.  Concise listening skills and weaving the content throughout the class iterations is heavily graded.    
Demonstration is 20 points and will be broken down into performance of the fundamentals required, and performance of the principle or concept as it relates (for and beyond the syllabus). 
Depth of knowledge will be 20 points on the ability to address questions with supporting reasoning or empirical data (or through science).  Questions help the class and can guide the instructor to addressing specifics that aren’t necessarily part of the curriculum, but related.   
Organization will be 20 points and broken into these layers for grading.  Liability wavers and legal considerations, medical, range readiness, and the use of time.  
Command is 20 points.  Student results and overall student improvement as the syllabus advances and RSO flow is the last 5th of the final.  The ability to address the lower 20% of class while regulating and challenging the other 80% of class is easy for some, however not for all, instructors. 
Pass is 85%.  The grading will be further broken up by giving the “pass or review” to be weighed as follows;  50% current MAST Team and 50% student peers.  
FINAL PHASE:  If you receive a PASS, you move to the final iteration of Instructor Development…teaching a class. However, the next stop is internship for the class you have chosen to instruct. As an intern, you will be the assistant instructor and work with a mentor to add the finishing touches prior the final. You may choose any instructor or mentor and it’s recommended you intern within the same month as your scheduled final. The final is graded by the mentor or instructor team and is a Blind PASS or FAIL.
The internship phase; you will be an assistant instructor prior leading a class.  The internship is a precursor to the final exam which is being a lead instructor for a given class. The final, or lead instructor will be for fundamentals of handgun or fundamentals of carbine.  This is a “go, no-go.”
Train the Trainer phase is after you PASS ID and is meant to further hone and develop your skills and delivery of our teaching principles.  This is when you submit your own curriculum and introduce your personal perspective of principles, body mechanics, and mental processing as it relates to teaching and student comprehension.  You are part of the MAST Instructor Cadre and developing and submitting course material and or “drills” to correlate and improve the performance of the student body is welcomed and appreciated.   
Application of Situations and Tactics (Mobile Application of Situations and Tactics or MAST) follows or is studied in tandem, as it relates to the course levels assigned is for team tactics and other expanded material.